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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for Common Inbox FrameworkCommon Inbox Framework
MPAA7RD9C2Prior to this fix, the selections were not cleared whenever a Drag and Drop was performed on documents to be archived.
Hide details for Commposite ApplicationsCommposite Applications
JGUO7Y3K5SReloading a composite application will now work correctly. Prior to this fix, the application was not reloaded on a request from...
Hide details for CSI ViewpartCSI Viewpart
RMON7M2JM9Fixed an intermittent "Notes IPC Asynch Message processor (1)" error in Notes Standard when opening a mailfile and building the context...
Hide details for DAOSDAOS
RSHA83TH8YThis fix prevents a server crash on daosmgr during a catalog rebuild.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
JACE85RCJZFixed NIF Pool memory leaks that could result in a server crash.
JACE85RCJZFixed NIF Pool memory leaks that could result in a server crash.
Hide details for Database Transaction Logging/RecoveryDatabase Transaction Logging/Recovery
FMEG8448Y6This fix address a log file full issue for which there is no indication of why (no long held lock or error messages).
SWAS86GP5DFixed a bad nlogctrl.lfh file that was created in Domino 8.5.1x with archive style transaction logging configured. This regression was introduced in...
RCOR7KWFJQ Addresses log file full due to error from hlgSetLogLSNArray.
SWAS86GNJBAfter recovering a database and applying the transaction logs (archive style logging), the retrieved log extents were left in the log directory. ...
Hide details for DesignerDesigner
NNAI7Z65PMFixe an issue where DBCS characters were getting lost in the Javascript library at a certain location. All Javascript libraries (server or client)...
NNAI7Z65PMFixe an issue where DBCS characters were getting lost in the Javascript library at a certain location. All Javascript libraries (server or client)...
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
HARL83GB9TReduced the default memory footprint for the directory update/cache subsystem. The number of defualt view reg entries in R7 was 32K. This was...
Hide details for DOLSDOLS
JJYG8433F3DOLS plugin for Firefox has been updated to use the newer plugin API to support Firefox 3.6. Prior to this fix, the error "Installation of Domino...
JJYG82XAJLDOLS plugin for Firefox has been updated to use the newer plugin API to support Firefox 3.6. Prior to this fix, the error "Installation of Domino...
Hide details for EditorEditor
HNAA7XYCGXPrior to this fix, the filename of an attachment icon wrapped poorly in all languages/character sets and especially in DBCS languages. This...
ADC74JQ3FFixed an intermittent crash that occurs when pasting content into a rich text field, most commonly in a calendar invite form.
GHAT83TPZ9When the width of an HTML table was over 100%, Notes failed to calculate the width for rendering. In some cases, the contents of the table were...
SCHI829HQ7When an HTML message had map elements and Notes couldn't access the maps, Notes crashed because it tried to access the internet map objects after...
KSOR7PBL8XFor mime mail, the mail header is appended to the html body at the time the message is opened. After the mime mail has been opened and "show...


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